Cúinne Maeve is the soul of our school. It’s where we put up our art about what our schools about such as the Golden Rules, goals for all year groups and much more. We are lucky enough to have a TV to use for PowerPoints/lessons/Assemblies. Cúinne Maeve is outside classrooms one and two (Ann’s class and Kelly’s class).
Previously, After school activities such as Hip-Hop and Irish Dancing are held in Cúinne Maeve.
Everyone loves using Cúinne Maeve for different activities.
How it got its name:
Cúinne Maeve got its special name from a famous past principal who always holds a special place in our DPETNS hearts. Maeve retired in 2020 and the name “Cúinne Maeve” was suggested by Cormac’s 6th Class 19/20.