The PTA is committed to providing information and support for parents/guardians and teachers, in the best interests of our children’s education. Membership of the PTA is open to all parents/guardians of children enrolled in the school and to all teaching staff. We encourage male and female representation. The PTA Committee meets once a month during the school year. During the year, we organise extra curricular activities with a range of classes to suit all age groups. A full schedule of classes and term dates will be published in September. The PTA runs a number of events throughout the school year and supports the school in any events that it may be holding. The PTA also organises coffee mornings and assists in running the Sports Days. It also helps to review school policies and produces a newsletter.

The AGM will take place annually in September/October at which a new PTA committee will be elected – all are very welcome. As a voluntary organisation, the PTA welcomes all support and assistance. Please contact any member of the PTA by e -mail at [email protected] .