Under the Percent for Art Scheme introduced in 1997, the funding for our new school building includes an amount to commission a visual work of art on the school premises. It was decided to commission an innovative yet informal outdoor classroom that will reflect the school’s mission statement and ethos.
Work began in late June 2012 and the classroom was open to the children in June 2013. A selection of students, past pupils, staff, board and PTA members (past and present) received a leaf to design and paint which formed part of the family tree mosaic that is now on the interior wall of the classroom. We also held a competition in the school to design the tops of the work benches in the classroom. The four benches are designed to represent the four strands of our Learn Together Curriculum: Equality and Justice, Ethics and The Environment, Belief Systems and Moral and Spiritual Development.

The outdoor classroom has become an integral part of our school day, with classes of all ages using it for a variety of activities. It is provides a quiet reading space during yard time. The children have planted a variety of wild flowers in the surrounding area.