Boys GAA final

Well done to Cormac and the team. Three years in a row winning in Croke Park. Great achievement by all. When we thought we couldn’t be any prouder, we get a write up showing such great sportsmanship displayed by the whole team.    

Space Week

In a school far far away, Space Week began. Space Week will run for the next week and all classes are very busy exploring the planets and galaxies. Sixth Class are eagerly awaiting their call from NASA which is taking place on Tuesday 9th October.  We also have a planetarium coming in a fortnight which … Read more

Welcome Back

Great to hear the feature on DPETNS on Newstalk breakfast this morning. You can listen back hereL   – our segment is about half way through. Also see Henry McKean’s Twitter feed: We hope everyone enjoyed their return to routine.  Wishing all our families a relaxing weekend, ready for a full week next week! All staff at DPETNS.

Greetings from Cambodia

Greetings from Siem Reap, Cambodia. PEPY  Empowering Youth Sous s’dey, everyone.  I have just spent the past two weeks here in Siem Reap working with our partner organisation, PEPY Empowering Youth.  As always it has been an incredibly uplifting and positive experience.   I had the good fortune of working everyday with 32 scholarship students alongside … Read more

Farewell Micheál

Micheál Garvey, our much loved teacher and colleague has decided to retire from teaching after 39 years unbroken service.  It is hard for all of us to imagine DPETNS without him as his unique style permeates our school in so many different ways!  Over the years Micheál has worked very closely with our PTA and they will … Read more