Active Week 2019

Active Week DPETNS 11th– 16th February

Since our return to school on January 7th we have been focusing on different aspects of wellbeing and positive mental health. We are finishing off next week with an emphasis on the benefits of physical exercise on our overall wellbeing. We launched active week with a 10@10 on Friday 8th February. Every morning at 8.30 am there will be 15 minutes of organised physical activity in the hall. During the week the children will engage in some form of activity every day.

Friday’s 10@10 


Shake and Wake

‘Shake and Wake’ was a great success every morning this week! Each morning a team of teachers took the crowd through some stretches and exercises to wake our bodies up! A great crowd gathered each day from teachers to students and some parents joined in on the fun too! Everybody had lots of fun and it was a fantastic, positive way to start the morning.

Check out our cool moves: Monday Shake and Wake Video