SDG Festival 2019!!

A massive congratulations to all those who performed in yesterdays SDG Festival, it was an amazing and very professional event! 5th class performed alongside six other primary schools to showcase what they have learnt about the Sustainable Development Goals. This included Swords ETNS, Castaheany ETNS and St. Patrick’s Boys school to name but a few. All the students who performed did their school and community proud! We saw everything from a drama piece based on a refugee’s journey to a demonstration on eco bricks and how plastic can affect marine life. This was also a star-studded event with Dil Wickremasinghe presenting the show, along with Ciaran Cannon, Minister for International Development, and Sinead Burke making guest appearances to speak to the crowd about the importance of working towards these goals.

A tremendous well done to the Fifth Class students who worked together to create and perform their piece. Your performance was inspiring and we are very proud of you all. Finally, a big thank you to Fiona and her team, Ann for conducting the music beautifully during the performance, Maeve and Susan for their guidance, and all other teachers and schools that were involved.

It was an awe inspiring event that will certainly make a difference in reaching the goals! 


Check out photos for the event here: