Sports Week Celebration

Well done to everyone who got involved in this year’s SPORTS WEEK! We hope you all had a fantastic week and got active! Medal winners will be announced at our final assembly with Maeve. Check out our celebratory video showcasing all your amazing activities!

Happy Sports Week!

This week is Sports Week in DPETNS. It is the first time we are hosting a virtual sports week/day! We hope the children and the whole family get to enjoy an activity packed week. All the information for each day of sports week is available here on the school website. Every day we have assigned … Read more

Push for PEPY

Well done to everyone who pushed themselves for PEPY over the last fortnight. Here’s a taster of what we’ve been up to….

Push Yourself for PEPY

Every year, DPETNS and the wider Donabate community come together for a very enjoyable and worthwhile fundraising Fun-Run to celebrate our learning partnership with PEPY Empowering Youth in Cambodia. Usually, we are all so excited to welcome our four visitors from Cambodia to join in our celebrations. However, due to the Covid19 pandemic, our friends’ … Read more

Egg-cellent Projects!

The DPETNS community have been working egg-xtra hard the past week on our projects! 🍳 Our egg-straordinary students and staff have been busy and letting their imaginations run wild in creating egg-citing projects based on EGGS!! 🍳 Our community is egg-stremely talented and we can’t wait to share our creations with you!! Check out our … Read more